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Meet the Peer: Rodney Hough – Certified Peer Specialist

Talk with Rodney

In this episode of Meet the Peer, host Whitney Menarcheck interviews Rodney Hough, a certified peer specialist in New York. Rodney shares his journey and lived experience with substance use, incarceration, and recovery. He discusses the importance of accountability and hard work as well as the necessity of loving yourself first. Rodney also discusses his additional training and certifications. The episode concludes with words of encouragement for those going through a hard time.

00:00 Introduction and Rodney’s Background
03:56 Life in Addiction and Incarceration
12:24 Turning Point and Path to Recovery
19:56 Role as a Peer Specialist
29:36 Message to Those Struggling with Addiction


[00:00:07.68 –> 00:00:11.12] hello and welcome to meet the peer a

[00:00:09.60 –> 00:00:13.48] special Series where we shine the

[00:00:11.12 –> 00:00:14.96] spotlight on peer Specialists meet the

[00:00:13.48 –> 00:00:17.04] peers is brought to you by straightup

[00:00:14.96 –> 00:00:18.96] care with a mission to empower peer

[00:00:17.04 –> 00:00:20.88] recovery professionals straightup care

[00:00:18.96 –> 00:00:23.04] provides a multi-use platform and

[00:00:20.88 –> 00:00:24.72] resources for peer Specialists to share

[00:00:23.04 –> 00:00:26.12] their lived experience and build a

[00:00:24.72 –> 00:00:28.76] positive connection with those in the

[00:00:26.12 –> 00:00:30.76] community in the recovery Community I’m

[00:00:28.76 –> 00:00:32.36] your host Whitney Minar and on this

[00:00:30.76 –> 00:00:34.32] episode of Meet the peer we have Rodney

[00:00:32.36 –> 00:00:37.84] Huff a certified peer specialist in New

[00:00:34.32 –> 00:00:40.56] York welcome Rodney good

[00:00:37.84 –> 00:00:42.88] morning I’m excited to talk to you today

[00:00:40.56 –> 00:00:45.20] and for more people to hear your story I

[00:00:42.88 –> 00:00:48.32] certainly know a little bit myself and

[00:00:45.20 –> 00:00:50.32] am just I love what you have to share so

[00:00:48.32 –> 00:00:54.00] can you kind of just start with your

[00:00:50.32 –> 00:00:56.68] journey what led you to where you are

[00:00:54.00 –> 00:00:58.52] today oh okay well first of all thank

[00:00:56.68 –> 00:01:00.88] you for having me thank you so much for

[00:00:58.52 –> 00:01:05.20] uh allowing me to be a part of this uh

[00:01:00.88 –> 00:01:08.00] Whitney it’s a beautiful thing um I you

[00:01:05.20 –> 00:01:10.40] know when it comes when it comes to you

[00:01:08.00 –> 00:01:13.00] know growing up with you know in a in

[00:01:10.40 –> 00:01:15.20] substance use and things of that nature

[00:01:13.00 –> 00:01:19.04] uh I grew up in the ghetto uh the

[00:01:15.20 –> 00:01:21.20] projects so to speak and um uh there was

[00:01:19.04 –> 00:01:23.24] a lot of things that that we were

[00:01:21.20 –> 00:01:24.80] surrounded by you know even though I was

[00:01:23.24 –> 00:01:27.32] involved in you know a little bit of

[00:01:24.80 –> 00:01:30.08] sports here and there um you know for

[00:01:27.32 –> 00:01:31.04] the most part um There Was You know

[00:01:30.08 –> 00:01:32.88] there was

[00:01:31.04 –> 00:01:35.04] alcohol you know there was a lot of

[00:01:32.88 –> 00:01:37.88] marijuana smoke there was a lot of you

[00:01:35.04 –> 00:01:40.12] know you know you can just say Street

[00:01:37.88 –> 00:01:41.64] Talk street slang things of that nature

[00:01:40.12 –> 00:01:44.16] uh you know where being cool you know

[00:01:41.64 –> 00:01:46.52] being cool was the thing to do um you

[00:01:44.16 –> 00:01:49.60] know uh I can honestly say that all that

[00:01:46.52 –> 00:01:52.60] all that being cool led me led me down a

[00:01:49.60 –> 00:01:54.12] path that made me the man I am today

[00:01:52.60 –> 00:01:56.64] I’ll say it like that you know even

[00:01:54.12 –> 00:02:00.60] though that path that I chose that I

[00:01:56.64 –> 00:02:03.48] chose to go down was a path that uh most

[00:02:00.60 –> 00:02:06.08] people are destroyed in the process of

[00:02:03.48 –> 00:02:08.56] going down that path so I’m thankful and

[00:02:06.08 –> 00:02:10.44] I’m grateful to God to be here today to

[00:02:08.56 –> 00:02:14.24] share my story and my testimony with you

[00:02:10.44 –> 00:02:16.04] all um uh I can say that I actually

[00:02:14.24 –> 00:02:17.48] started probably using or smoking

[00:02:16.04 –> 00:02:20.40] cigarettes and things of that nature

[00:02:17.48 –> 00:02:24.16] around between the ages of 11 and

[00:02:20.40 –> 00:02:26.16] 13 um you know doing doing things

[00:02:24.16 –> 00:02:28.04] because my friends were doing it you

[00:02:26.16 –> 00:02:31.72] know doing things because we were bored

[00:02:28.04 –> 00:02:33.48] or whatever um and uh I can honestly say

[00:02:31.72 –> 00:02:34.96] you know and the things that I teach my

[00:02:33.48 –> 00:02:37.68] kids today is you know you stay away

[00:02:34.96 –> 00:02:42.04] from that those type of things

[00:02:37.68 –> 00:02:44.60] um I uh you know got caught up in in a

[00:02:42.04 –> 00:02:46.72] in a in a lifestyle that that was

[00:02:44.60 –> 00:02:49.44] attractive it was attractive you know I

[00:02:46.72 –> 00:02:51.20] found I found that people who you know

[00:02:49.44 –> 00:02:52.64] it’s kind of a twisted belief system

[00:02:51.20 –> 00:02:54.64] because in my neighborhood people who

[00:02:52.64 –> 00:02:55.80] were just getting out of prison were

[00:02:54.64 –> 00:02:58.20] looked at as

[00:02:55.80 –> 00:03:00.88] Heroes you know because they come out of

[00:02:58.20 –> 00:03:02.32] prison they all buff you know and the

[00:03:00.88 –> 00:03:03.92] chest sticking out and things of that

[00:03:02.32 –> 00:03:07.96] nature and we looked at those guys a lot

[00:03:03.92 –> 00:03:09.68] of times as Heroes and people from

[00:03:07.96 –> 00:03:11.12] another Walk of Life from from the other

[00:03:09.68 –> 00:03:14.48] side of the fence they would say those

[00:03:11.12 –> 00:03:17.04] guys are nuts you know but who did we

[00:03:14.48 –> 00:03:19.80] have to look up to you see what I’m

[00:03:17.04 –> 00:03:22.32] saying because me and most of my friends

[00:03:19.80 –> 00:03:24.00] we grew up you know there was no man in

[00:03:22.32 –> 00:03:25.84] the picture we we most of us grew up

[00:03:24.00 –> 00:03:28.40] fatherless I had friends who grew up

[00:03:25.84 –> 00:03:30.00] outside of the ghetto who grew up with

[00:03:28.40 –> 00:03:31.84] their dad in the house and a lot of

[00:03:30.00 –> 00:03:34.44] those guys turned out they turned out to

[00:03:31.84 –> 00:03:36.60] be they turned out really good they were

[00:03:34.44 –> 00:03:38.56] working uh they were doing things that

[00:03:36.60 –> 00:03:40.36] guys in the hood just weren’t doing or

[00:03:38.56 –> 00:03:42.80] they were doing things that

[00:03:40.36 –> 00:03:44.32] we we kind of like weren’t interested in

[00:03:42.80 –> 00:03:46.80] certain things we were more in

[00:03:44.32 –> 00:03:50.36] interested in going to the stores going

[00:03:46.80 –> 00:03:52.68] stealing uh drinking beer drinking wine

[00:03:50.36 –> 00:03:54.92] sneaking and smoking cigarettes you know

[00:03:52.68 –> 00:03:56.48] we were seemed like we were more

[00:03:54.92 –> 00:03:58.88] interested in things that that a lot of

[00:03:56.48 –> 00:04:00.88] other guys who had mother and father in

[00:03:58.88 –> 00:04:02.96] their family you know which proved a lot

[00:04:00.88 –> 00:04:05.52] of the statistics to be true you know

[00:04:02.96 –> 00:04:09.08] having two parents positive parents in

[00:04:05.52 –> 00:04:11.68] the picture it it it it it has a grand

[00:04:09.08 –> 00:04:15.36] effect on the mindset and the upbringing

[00:04:11.68 –> 00:04:17.12] of a child it does um anyway to make a

[00:04:15.36 –> 00:04:18.60] long story short I don’t want to take up

[00:04:17.12 –> 00:04:21.88] too much time but I do want to get to

[00:04:18.60 –> 00:04:24.28] the gist of what I’m saying I ended up

[00:04:21.88 –> 00:04:27.96] uh um I started experimenting with

[00:04:24.28 –> 00:04:30.64] cocaine I think when I was

[00:04:27.96 –> 00:04:33.40] probably I don’t know 19

[00:04:30.64 –> 00:04:35.60] 1920 somewhere around in there and a lot

[00:04:33.40 –> 00:04:37.36] of people didn’t know that I was using

[00:04:35.60 –> 00:04:39.60] cocaine I would always I was hanging out

[00:04:37.36 –> 00:04:42.08] with people who were much older than me

[00:04:39.60 –> 00:04:43.80] um and you know now things that I know

[00:04:42.08 –> 00:04:46.84] now is that I was suffering from an

[00:04:43.80 –> 00:04:48.44] abandonment life Trap it was a serious

[00:04:46.84 –> 00:04:49.68] abandonment life Trap that I was

[00:04:48.44 –> 00:04:53.60] suffering from and I don’t want to go

[00:04:49.68 –> 00:04:55.36] too deep into that but that led me to

[00:04:53.60 –> 00:04:56.80] you know some feelings of hurt and the

[00:04:55.36 –> 00:05:00.12] thing that would take away the hurt that

[00:04:56.80 –> 00:05:03.36] I was suffering from was getting high so

[00:05:00.12 –> 00:05:05.00] every time I got high there was no pain

[00:05:03.36 –> 00:05:07.12] because I became homeless at the age of

[00:05:05.00 –> 00:05:09.12] 17 when a lot of my friends were about

[00:05:07.12 –> 00:05:11.60] to graduate high school I was homeless I

[00:05:09.12 –> 00:05:13.24] didn’t have nowhere to stay and the

[00:05:11.60 –> 00:05:14.68] place that I had to stay there was no

[00:05:13.24 –> 00:05:16.64] power there was no lights there was no

[00:05:14.68 –> 00:05:17.88] running water and things of that nature

[00:05:16.64 –> 00:05:20.60] so I really didn’t have anywhere to go

[00:05:17.88 –> 00:05:24.12] so off to New York I went because I

[00:05:20.60 –> 00:05:25.80] needed somewhere to stay and um again

[00:05:24.12 –> 00:05:27.44] started using cocaine hanging out with

[00:05:25.80 –> 00:05:29.88] people that used cocaine and sold

[00:05:27.44 –> 00:05:31.20] cocaine so you know what happens when

[00:05:29.88 –> 00:05:33.96] you’re hanging out with people who’s

[00:05:31.20 –> 00:05:36.32] doing a certain thing you’re going to do

[00:05:33.96 –> 00:05:37.56] the same thing as well you’re gonna nine

[00:05:36.32 –> 00:05:39.56] times out of 10 you’re going to do those

[00:05:37.56 –> 00:05:40.88] same things uh had I been hanging out

[00:05:39.56 –> 00:05:42.28] with people who were in college and

[00:05:40.88 –> 00:05:43.56] registering for college and things of

[00:05:42.28 –> 00:05:45.28] that nature I probably would have

[00:05:43.56 –> 00:05:50.80] graduated from college earlier in life

[00:05:45.28 –> 00:05:53.16] as well so anyway got start using drugs

[00:05:50.80 –> 00:05:54.96] start selling drugs and one of the

[00:05:53.16 –> 00:05:57.52] reasons that I started selling drugs is

[00:05:54.96 –> 00:06:00.08] because I needed food right I needed to

[00:05:57.52 –> 00:06:02.72] eat I didn’t have a good work history or

[00:06:00.08 –> 00:06:05.12] good work ethic at that time so I needed

[00:06:02.72 –> 00:06:07.52] food I needed clothing I needed shelter

[00:06:05.12 –> 00:06:09.84] and the ways to get food shelter and

[00:06:07.52 –> 00:06:11.72] clothing was for me to sell drugs so

[00:06:09.84 –> 00:06:13.40] when I was you know introduced to you

[00:06:11.72 –> 00:06:15.72] know I already knew how to sell drugs I

[00:06:13.40 –> 00:06:17.44] just knew don’t tell me I don’t know how

[00:06:15.72 –> 00:06:20.20] but I just knew what to do and how to do

[00:06:17.44 –> 00:06:22.40] it because I’ve seen it going on in in

[00:06:20.20 –> 00:06:25.96] my neighborhood or even in the people

[00:06:22.40 –> 00:06:28.76] that uh that frequently came around so

[00:06:25.96 –> 00:06:30.04] um started selling drugs and I ended up

[00:06:28.76 –> 00:06:33.16] uh making money

[00:06:30.04 –> 00:06:34.88] yeah you know but it’s only for a season

[00:06:33.16 –> 00:06:37.64] you know it only lasts for a short

[00:06:34.88 –> 00:06:40.28] period of time so I ended up in state

[00:06:37.64 –> 00:06:42.64] prison I was in a State Correctional

[00:06:40.28 –> 00:06:46.44] Facility maximum security they sent me

[00:06:42.64 –> 00:06:49.68] the maximum security at the age of 21

[00:06:46.44 –> 00:06:52.52] first felon there was no first time fing

[00:06:49.68 –> 00:06:54.56] things because I’m 56 years old today

[00:06:52.52 –> 00:06:56.24] there was no first time feling thing in

[00:06:54.56 –> 00:07:00.52] place in

[00:06:56.24 –> 00:07:03.36] 1988 889 1991

[00:07:00.52 –> 00:07:07.20] they sent me straight to prison no

[00:07:03.36 –> 00:07:08.92] chances of retrieving or reforming me or

[00:07:07.20 –> 00:07:11.76] helping me to reform myself it was

[00:07:08.92 –> 00:07:13.60] straight to prison um was I scared

[00:07:11.76 –> 00:07:15.52] absolutely um I went to a place where

[00:07:13.60 –> 00:07:17.72] people had already been 20 and 30 years

[00:07:15.52 –> 00:07:19.40] of their life and people were uh

[00:07:17.72 –> 00:07:21.84] carrying knives carrying Shanks and

[00:07:19.40 –> 00:07:24.48] things of that nature I’m 21 years old

[00:07:21.84 –> 00:07:28.04] straight to state prison so at that

[00:07:24.48 –> 00:07:30.16] point in my life um I got back into what

[00:07:28.04 –> 00:07:32.92] I like the most and which was

[00:07:30.16 –> 00:07:34.36] reading um so I read books read books

[00:07:32.92 –> 00:07:36.40] read books and I did most of my time

[00:07:34.36 –> 00:07:38.88] reading books lifting weights and just

[00:07:36.40 –> 00:07:40.60] minding my business I knew to mind my

[00:07:38.88 –> 00:07:42.44] business and not based on things that I

[00:07:40.60 –> 00:07:44.44] had seen on TV but based on the fact

[00:07:42.44 –> 00:07:46.16] that I had an uncle who had already been

[00:07:44.44 –> 00:07:48.88] in prison over 30 something years at

[00:07:46.16 –> 00:07:50.56] that time so he pretty much told me how

[00:07:48.88 –> 00:07:53.28] to act and how to carry myself once I

[00:07:50.56 –> 00:07:54.84] got to prison anyway I get out of prison

[00:07:53.28 –> 00:07:56.64] while I was in prison I made new

[00:07:54.84 –> 00:07:58.28] connections and things of that nature so

[00:07:56.64 –> 00:08:00.32] when I get out of prison I go right back

[00:07:58.28 –> 00:08:02.08] into drugs right back into addiction

[00:08:00.32 –> 00:08:04.64] right back into that whole party and

[00:08:02.08 –> 00:08:08.12] play a pimp Hustler lifestyle and I

[00:08:04.64 –> 00:08:10.84] ended up making money again but it’s

[00:08:08.12 –> 00:08:14.72] only for a short time I ended up

[00:08:10.84 –> 00:08:17.60] homeless I ended up living under a

[00:08:14.72 –> 00:08:19.92] bridge I ended up walking the street

[00:08:17.60 –> 00:08:23.04] until my feet had

[00:08:19.92 –> 00:08:25.16] blisters I had literal blisters on my

[00:08:23.04 –> 00:08:27.52] feet I walk the

[00:08:25.16 –> 00:08:29.32] streets I don’t know I don’t know 6

[00:08:27.52 –> 00:08:32.76] months eight months you know the whole

[00:08:29.32 –> 00:08:34.80] whole summer the whole fall winter all

[00:08:32.76 –> 00:08:36.56] in the streets spent time in the streets

[00:08:34.80 –> 00:08:39.72] uh ashamed to go around people ashamed

[00:08:36.56 –> 00:08:42.00] to let people see how addiction had

[00:08:39.72 –> 00:08:44.24] taken over me I I pretty much it’s all

[00:08:42.00 –> 00:08:46.12] about what we allow and you don’t learn

[00:08:44.24 –> 00:08:48.52] that right then you learn that

[00:08:46.12 –> 00:08:51.20] afterwards um how I had allowed

[00:08:48.52 –> 00:08:52.24] addiction to take complete control of my

[00:08:51.20 –> 00:08:53.76] heart and

[00:08:52.24 –> 00:08:58.84] soul

[00:08:53.76 –> 00:09:02.52] um so again um in the streets selling

[00:08:58.84 –> 00:09:05.68] using in Robin stealing uh thank God I

[00:09:02.52 –> 00:09:07.52] never killed anybody um I’ve been shot

[00:09:05.68 –> 00:09:09.76] at I’ve been shot at Point Blank Range

[00:09:07.52 –> 00:09:11.32] I’ve been shot at many times thank God

[00:09:09.76 –> 00:09:12.60] I’m still alive I mean some of the

[00:09:11.32 –> 00:09:16.52] things that I’ve been through in my life

[00:09:12.60 –> 00:09:18.48] you’ll only see on uh Chicago PD and

[00:09:16.52 –> 00:09:21.16] it’s it’s it’s some real real serious

[00:09:18.48 –> 00:09:25.56] things that I’ve went through in my life

[00:09:21.16 –> 00:09:27.56] um after that um living the life on the

[00:09:25.56 –> 00:09:29.24] streets a life of crime you know there

[00:09:27.56 –> 00:09:30.80] was cars involved there was there was

[00:09:29.24 –> 00:09:33.08] there was the Bible says that there’s

[00:09:30.80 –> 00:09:36.64] pleasure in sin so there were some

[00:09:33.08 –> 00:09:39.16] pleasurable times but it was the worst

[00:09:36.64 –> 00:09:40.92] times that made me the man I am today

[00:09:39.16 –> 00:09:44.40] not the pleasure but the times when I

[00:09:40.92 –> 00:09:48.88] was bottom out Rock Bottom nothing

[00:09:44.40 –> 00:09:52.08] nowhere to go no no money uh not even a

[00:09:48.88 –> 00:09:54.48] change of clothes nothing um there were

[00:09:52.08 –> 00:09:56.20] times when I would go in a store I would

[00:09:54.48 –> 00:09:58.16] go in a store and change my whole

[00:09:56.20 –> 00:09:59.80] wardrobe in a store and come out with

[00:09:58.16 –> 00:10:01.28] brand new clothes on

[00:09:59.80 –> 00:10:03.88] that’s how far addiction had taken me

[00:10:01.28 –> 00:10:06.00] over um you know sleeping under a bridge

[00:10:03.88 –> 00:10:09.20] sleeping in a in a crack house sleeping

[00:10:06.00 –> 00:10:12.32] on the back porch of a crack house not

[00:10:09.20 –> 00:10:16.28] even in the house but on the back porch

[00:10:12.32 –> 00:10:19.76] of a crack house that’s how bad uh the

[00:10:16.28 –> 00:10:21.64] addiction had taken over me um after

[00:10:19.76 –> 00:10:24.68] that I ended up in federal prison

[00:10:21.64 –> 00:10:27.44] committed a crime huge crime uh didn’t

[00:10:24.68 –> 00:10:30.48] kill anybody drug trafficking ended up

[00:10:27.44 –> 00:10:32.52] in federal prison they gave gave me 11

[00:10:30.48 –> 00:10:36.12] years federal

[00:10:32.52 –> 00:10:37.92] prison and um at that point when I when

[00:10:36.12 –> 00:10:40.56] I was before the

[00:10:37.92 –> 00:10:43.36] judge and he gave me the

[00:10:40.56 –> 00:10:47.80] sentence I was okay with it for some

[00:10:43.36 –> 00:10:50.24] reason because I was tired I was I was

[00:10:47.80 –> 00:10:51.56] tired of being on the streets I was

[00:10:50.24 –> 00:10:54.80] tired of

[00:10:51.56 –> 00:10:58.44] being uh what is it hungry angry lonely

[00:10:54.80 –> 00:10:59.60] and tired I was excuse me said it was

[00:10:58.44 –> 00:11:04.04] almost a break

[00:10:59.60 –> 00:11:05.88] for you yeah but anyway I was it was it

[00:11:04.04 –> 00:11:08.76] was it was like a sigh of relief but at

[00:11:05.88 –> 00:11:11.92] the same time when I got back uh to my

[00:11:08.76 –> 00:11:14.36] jail Cale and then they shipped me

[00:11:11.92 –> 00:11:16.36] to well when I say ship because they

[00:11:14.36 –> 00:11:19.20] treated us like kind of you get treated

[00:11:16.36 –> 00:11:22.68] like animals so they shipped us to um

[00:11:19.20 –> 00:11:26.44] Fort Dicks New Jersey and that was a

[00:11:22.68 –> 00:11:28.16] 24hour bus ride with chains and shackles

[00:11:26.44 –> 00:11:30.36] the whole time wow and you had to switch

[00:11:28.16 –> 00:11:31.80] buses you had stay overnight in certain

[00:11:30.36 –> 00:11:33.64] federal federal correctional

[00:11:31.80 –> 00:11:34.92] institutions you would stay overnight

[00:11:33.64 –> 00:11:36.60] they would chain you back up the next

[00:11:34.92 –> 00:11:38.88] morning you would ride for

[00:11:36.60 –> 00:11:40.96] another I don’t know five six hours

[00:11:38.88 –> 00:11:42.96] they’ll stop they’ll let you eat they’ll

[00:11:40.96 –> 00:11:46.04] unchain you chain you back up it was it

[00:11:42.96 –> 00:11:48.04] was a very very dehumanizing

[00:11:46.04 –> 00:11:49.40] dehumanizing experience that you go

[00:11:48.04 –> 00:11:55.72] through when you

[00:11:49.40 –> 00:12:00.48] incarcerated um so I did um I did about

[00:11:55.72 –> 00:12:01.88] eight years more in federal prison and

[00:12:00.48 –> 00:12:04.48] remember I went to state prison now I’m

[00:12:01.88 –> 00:12:06.24] in federal prison when I got out well

[00:12:04.48 –> 00:12:08.04] the whole time I was in federal prison I

[00:12:06.24 –> 00:12:11.32] was my mind was made up I was like I’m

[00:12:08.04 –> 00:12:14.64] done so I got into programming I got

[00:12:11.32 –> 00:12:16.88] into counseling I got into helping other

[00:12:14.64 –> 00:12:18.44] people I got into there was guys who had

[00:12:16.88 –> 00:12:20.04] been there already 20 years when I got

[00:12:18.44 –> 00:12:22.08] there but they wanted advice from me and

[00:12:20.04 –> 00:12:25.08] I’m like what you’ve been off the

[00:12:22.08 –> 00:12:27.36] streets all this time and

[00:12:25.08 –> 00:12:30.04] so sometimes people can see things in

[00:12:27.36 –> 00:12:34.12] you that you can’t see in yourself

[00:12:30.04 –> 00:12:36.48] right and so I took it upon myself to to

[00:12:34.12 –> 00:12:38.00] to uh there’s a book that I read long

[00:12:36.48 –> 00:12:40.04] time ago I think I was in ninth grade it

[00:12:38.00 –> 00:12:42.80] was called a retrieved

[00:12:40.04 –> 00:12:44.64] reformation and uh that book would

[00:12:42.80 –> 00:12:47.88] always ring in my head ring ring ring

[00:12:44.64 –> 00:12:50.08] ring ring so what is a retrieved

[00:12:47.88 –> 00:12:52.40] Reformation you’re looking at it today

[00:12:50.08 –> 00:12:56.20] this is a retrieved Reformation

[00:12:52.40 –> 00:12:58.52] retrieved mean I took it upon myself to

[00:12:56.20 –> 00:12:59.48] reform my mind and change my way of

[00:12:58.52 –> 00:13:03.96] thinking

[00:12:59.48 –> 00:13:06.80] doing and acting I changed it through

[00:13:03.96 –> 00:13:08.48] the power of prayer and through the

[00:13:06.80 –> 00:13:09.80] power of because it says that faith

[00:13:08.48 –> 00:13:13.32] without works is dead so you still got

[00:13:09.80 –> 00:13:16.52] to do your part so I quit I quit hanging

[00:13:13.32 –> 00:13:18.96] in the streets I quit going to clubs I

[00:13:16.52 –> 00:13:20.96] quit hanging with anybody that was

[00:13:18.96 –> 00:13:24.48] associated with anything having to do

[00:13:20.96 –> 00:13:26.76] with uh drugs and at that point a lot of

[00:13:24.48 –> 00:13:29.00] uh members of my family you know they

[00:13:26.76 –> 00:13:31.20] begin to ridicule and say oh think

[00:13:29.00 –> 00:13:33.72] you’re better than us and I remember

[00:13:31.20 –> 00:13:35.60] when you used to do this I remember when

[00:13:33.72 –> 00:13:37.28] you used to do that I say yeah but I

[00:13:35.60 –> 00:13:39.64] don’t do those things no

[00:13:37.28 –> 00:13:43.32] more I don’t do those things no more you

[00:13:39.64 –> 00:13:45.12] know so a lot of times uh your your your

[00:13:43.32 –> 00:13:47.00] anointing the anointing that you have on

[00:13:45.12 –> 00:13:48.88] you other people don’t see it they don’t

[00:13:47.00 –> 00:13:50.60] see it and they don’t understand it and

[00:13:48.88 –> 00:13:53.00] they don’t share in your dreams and your

[00:13:50.60 –> 00:13:55.40] goals and they will become jealous but

[00:13:53.00 –> 00:13:58.28] you got to know that when something’s

[00:13:55.40 –> 00:13:59.80] meant for you it’s for you you know

[00:13:58.28 –> 00:14:01.52] because I higher power can show me

[00:13:59.80 –> 00:14:02.44] things that he won’t show you he’ll just

[00:14:01.52 –> 00:14:04.72] show

[00:14:02.44 –> 00:14:07.24] me and then other people they don’t see

[00:14:04.72 –> 00:14:09.80] it so with that being said I just

[00:14:07.24 –> 00:14:11.84] continue to move forward with my life

[00:14:09.80 –> 00:14:13.28] and I moved away from North Carolina

[00:14:11.84 –> 00:14:15.32] because changing playgrounds and

[00:14:13.28 –> 00:14:16.60] Playmates is one of the keys to staying

[00:14:15.32 –> 00:14:21.12] clean and

[00:14:16.60 –> 00:14:23.20] sober um as I stated in my in my bio I

[00:14:21.12 –> 00:14:24.28] had I’ve been clean for about 22 years I

[00:14:23.20 –> 00:14:26.16] had one

[00:14:24.28 –> 00:14:29.36] relapse

[00:14:26.16 –> 00:14:31.12] and that that was a relapse

[00:14:29.36 –> 00:14:33.48] because I became

[00:14:31.12 –> 00:14:36.04] complacent I was in a bad

[00:14:33.48 –> 00:14:38.20] relationship and it it also tells you in

[00:14:36.04 –> 00:14:41.32] your recovery stay out of a relationship

[00:14:38.20 –> 00:14:43.84] for at least a year so I came straight

[00:14:41.32 –> 00:14:45.80] out of prison and went straight into a

[00:14:43.84 –> 00:14:49.56] relationship I’m not saying anything bad

[00:14:45.80 –> 00:14:51.44] about her just you gota you got to focus

[00:14:49.56 –> 00:14:55.04] on your emotional intelligence because

[00:14:51.44 –> 00:14:57.48] if once you gain control of your

[00:14:55.04 –> 00:14:59.28] emotions then you change the direction

[00:14:57.48 –> 00:15:00.84] of your life

[00:14:59.28 –> 00:15:02.12] you have to be able to manage and

[00:15:00.84 –> 00:15:04.72] control your

[00:15:02.12 –> 00:15:07.08] emotions you know it’s interesting uh

[00:15:04.72 –> 00:15:09.52] just yesterday I saw a quote about you

[00:15:07.08 –> 00:15:11.48] have to love yourself first and then

[00:15:09.52 –> 00:15:13.24] everything else falls into place and it

[00:15:11.48 –> 00:15:15.68] sounds exactly what you’re talking about

[00:15:13.24 –> 00:15:19.32] that need to take care of you before you

[00:15:15.68 –> 00:15:21.84] try to be someone with another person

[00:15:19.32 –> 00:15:23.16] absolutely absolutely because like like

[00:15:21.84 –> 00:15:25.88] Whitney Houston said you know when you

[00:15:23.16 –> 00:15:29.04] learn to love yourself you know it’s The

[00:15:25.88 –> 00:15:31.56] Greatest Love of All you know but not to

[00:15:29.04 –> 00:15:32.92] say anything bad about her but you know

[00:15:31.56 –> 00:15:34.28] sometimes people can say they love

[00:15:32.92 –> 00:15:37.80] themselves but then their actions prove

[00:15:34.28 –> 00:15:40.00] that they don’t so me I know today that

[00:15:37.80 –> 00:15:41.68] I love myself because once you get

[00:15:40.00 –> 00:15:43.16] cleaned off the alcohol the drugs or

[00:15:41.68 –> 00:15:44.24] whatever your drug of choice was you

[00:15:43.16 –> 00:15:47.20] still

[00:15:44.24 –> 00:15:50.20] have uh those dreams you still have

[00:15:47.20 –> 00:15:53.52] those Cravings they just just don’t go

[00:15:50.20 –> 00:15:55.36] away um and again like I said I had that

[00:15:53.52 –> 00:15:58.80] one relapse and I think it lasted for

[00:15:55.36 –> 00:16:01.64] about three months so I got high every

[00:15:58.80 –> 00:16:02.80] day for about three months and then I

[00:16:01.64 –> 00:16:04.12] looked at myself in the mirror I was

[00:16:02.80 –> 00:16:06.00] like look at all this clean time you

[00:16:04.12 –> 00:16:07.84] having look at what are you doing to

[00:16:06.00 –> 00:16:09.60] yourself why would you do this to

[00:16:07.84 –> 00:16:10.64] yourself all over again it’s only going

[00:16:09.60 –> 00:16:12.80] to get

[00:16:10.64 –> 00:16:15.16] worse it’s only going to get worse and

[00:16:12.80 –> 00:16:18.68] it was worse it was worse because it was

[00:16:15.16 –> 00:16:22.80] every day and addiction is one of those

[00:16:18.68 –> 00:16:27.24] things that you can’t really hide so I

[00:16:22.80 –> 00:16:30.64] quit I quit I did a 21

[00:16:27.24 –> 00:16:33.80] day um I want to say harnessing and

[00:16:30.64 –> 00:16:37.36] breaking myself I broke myself and I

[00:16:33.80 –> 00:16:41.48] examined myself and I stayed in off the

[00:16:37.36 –> 00:16:44.88] streets I stayed in for the 21 days in a

[00:16:41.48 –> 00:16:48.28] row and and here I am today so and it’s

[00:16:44.88 –> 00:16:49.80] been you know that plus another 10 years

[00:16:48.28 –> 00:16:52.84] that I’ve been clean and sober and

[00:16:49.80 –> 00:16:55.52] focused completely focused um me and my

[00:16:52.84 –> 00:16:57.92] kids we live now we started out in a

[00:16:55.52 –> 00:16:59.60] one-bedroom apartment we went from that

[00:16:57.92 –> 00:17:03.00] to a two- bedroom three-bedroom

[00:16:59.60 –> 00:17:07.32] townhouse and now by the grace of God me

[00:17:03.00 –> 00:17:10.72] and my kids live in a four bedroom house

[00:17:07.32 –> 00:17:13.04] and and I give thanks to

[00:17:10.72 –> 00:17:15.68] myself because if I don’t do the right

[00:17:13.04 –> 00:17:17.56] thing how’s God going to give me what

[00:17:15.68 –> 00:17:19.08] you know what what what’s there for me

[00:17:17.56 –> 00:17:21.08] what’s in store for me I need to do the

[00:17:19.08 –> 00:17:23.32] right thing so I give thanks to myself

[00:17:21.08 –> 00:17:25.60] for staying focused and I give thanks to

[00:17:23.32 –> 00:17:27.40] God for my children because my children

[00:17:25.60 –> 00:17:30.40] played a major role in me staying

[00:17:27.40 –> 00:17:34.92] focused because they help me really uh

[00:17:30.40 –> 00:17:37.44] uh focus and and and and hone in on my

[00:17:34.92 –> 00:17:39.16] purpose in life so I have a son and a

[00:17:37.44 –> 00:17:40.32] daughter I can show you guys real quick

[00:17:39.16 –> 00:17:42.72] let’s

[00:17:40.32 –> 00:17:47.20] see these are my kids right here can you

[00:17:42.72 –> 00:17:50.40] see this oh those are my

[00:17:47.20 –> 00:17:56.64] kids love that yep it’s Tiana and

[00:17:50.40 –> 00:17:58.44] tarne and um we we we we we live a a

[00:17:56.64 –> 00:18:00.80] fairly decent and a good life together

[00:17:58.44 –> 00:18:03.56] together we really do um I am a single

[00:18:00.80 –> 00:18:05.52] parent and I’m okay with being single uh

[00:18:03.56 –> 00:18:07.60] whenever she shows up she’ll show up I

[00:18:05.52 –> 00:18:09.28] ain’t worried about

[00:18:07.60 –> 00:18:12.64] it

[00:18:09.28 –> 00:18:13.92] um and uh I am very very grateful today

[00:18:12.64 –> 00:18:15.96] you know there’s a lot of things that I

[00:18:13.92 –> 00:18:17.76] could talk about I could talk all day

[00:18:15.96 –> 00:18:19.48] you know but one thing I do know about

[00:18:17.76 –> 00:18:21.04] addiction and one thing on one message I

[00:18:19.48 –> 00:18:26.20] want to send to anybody who’s struggling

[00:18:21.04 –> 00:18:28.36] with addiction you have to become

[00:18:26.20 –> 00:18:30.52] accountable you got to become respons

[00:18:28.36 –> 00:18:33.80] responsible which means the ability to

[00:18:30.52 –> 00:18:37.52] resp respond accountability the ability

[00:18:33.80 –> 00:18:39.52] to account for account for your actions

[00:18:37.52 –> 00:18:43.04] take responsibility of your own life you

[00:18:39.52 –> 00:18:44.96] have to take charge of your life nobody

[00:18:43.04 –> 00:18:47.48] can do it for you you have to want it

[00:18:44.96 –> 00:18:49.56] for yourself you have to you know and

[00:18:47.48 –> 00:18:52.04] for those out there listening I mean

[00:18:49.56 –> 00:18:55.16] remember I had blisters on my feet I

[00:18:52.04 –> 00:18:57.32] took a record uh a journal in jail it

[00:18:55.16 –> 00:19:02.00] took 75

[00:18:57.32 –> 00:19:04.76] days 75 days for me to be able to walk a

[00:19:02.00 –> 00:19:07.84] normal walk because of the blisters that

[00:19:04.76 –> 00:19:12.56] was on my feet took 75 days for my feet

[00:19:07.84 –> 00:19:15.72] to heal and that was 75 days of

[00:19:12.56 –> 00:19:17.56] incarceration okay for my feet to heal

[00:19:15.72 –> 00:19:20.24] so how long do you think it take for the

[00:19:17.56 –> 00:19:22.72] mind and the body to heal the mind it

[00:19:20.24 –> 00:19:24.44] takes you know uh some psychologists and

[00:19:22.72 –> 00:19:26.16] some scientists say it takes at least 18

[00:19:24.44 –> 00:19:28.04] months for the mind and the spirit to

[00:19:26.16 –> 00:19:31.08] reconnect or for the mind and the heart

[00:19:28.04 –> 00:19:32.08] and all those things that you can’t see

[00:19:31.08 –> 00:19:35.64] to

[00:19:32.08 –> 00:19:37.56] reconnect you know so um I’m here to

[00:19:35.64 –> 00:19:40.48] help and I want to help people I’m not

[00:19:37.56 –> 00:19:43.48] ashamed of anything that I’ve done I’m

[00:19:40.48 –> 00:19:45.80] not ashamed of of of the fact that I

[00:19:43.48 –> 00:19:48.16] used to live under a bridge I used to

[00:19:45.80 –> 00:19:49.92] live in a crack house I was in a crack

[00:19:48.16 –> 00:19:53.92] house one night laying on the floor on a

[00:19:49.92 –> 00:19:54.72] box spring sleep and something walked in

[00:19:53.92 –> 00:19:59.04] with

[00:19:54.72 –> 00:20:00.84] claws like big claws

[00:19:59.04 –> 00:20:02.96] and it tapped in it was sound like it

[00:20:00.84 –> 00:20:06.00] was tap dancing coming closer to me and

[00:20:02.96 –> 00:20:07.96] it was so dark in the crack house cuz I

[00:20:06.00 –> 00:20:09.92] been up seven eight nine 10 days in a

[00:20:07.96 –> 00:20:12.04] row and I was even too tired to get up

[00:20:09.92 –> 00:20:14.20] off the bed to fight off whatever

[00:20:12.04 –> 00:20:16.56] creature this was that had walked into

[00:20:14.20 –> 00:20:19.16] the crack house which was there was no

[00:20:16.56 –> 00:20:21.00] back door on the place so it was some

[00:20:19.16 –> 00:20:23.60] type of a large animal and then all I

[00:20:21.00 –> 00:20:26.40] could do was just scream at the top of

[00:20:23.60 –> 00:20:28.84] my lungs and when I did that the animal

[00:20:26.40 –> 00:20:31.72] ran out of the house but I was that was

[00:20:28.84 –> 00:20:34.52] the most fear that I’ve ever faced in my

[00:20:31.72 –> 00:20:37.28] entire life not not even afraid of guns

[00:20:34.52 –> 00:20:41.40] not afraid of knives not afraid of of

[00:20:37.28 –> 00:20:44.48] any of the violent confrontations that I

[00:20:41.40 –> 00:20:46.44] found myself caught up in through being

[00:20:44.48 –> 00:20:50.40] and living on the streets as a drug

[00:20:46.44 –> 00:20:52.36] addict you know um that was the biggest

[00:20:50.40 –> 00:20:53.48] fear I’ve never been so afraid in my

[00:20:52.36 –> 00:20:55.24] whole life because I didn’t know what

[00:20:53.48 –> 00:20:57.88] type of animal it was I couldn’t see it

[00:20:55.24 –> 00:20:59.76] it was too dark um and that was a very

[00:20:57.88 –> 00:21:02.48] very defining moment in my life where I

[00:20:59.76 –> 00:21:04.28] knew I had to make changes in my life um

[00:21:02.48 –> 00:21:07.56] and I’m I’m grateful I am very very

[00:21:04.28 –> 00:21:08.92] grateful today I am yes well it was

[00:21:07.56 –> 00:21:10.68] great to hear you say that you’re

[00:21:08.92 –> 00:21:13.52] grateful for yourself and that you

[00:21:10.68 –> 00:21:16.20] recognize the role that you played uh

[00:21:13.52 –> 00:21:18.04] because obviously like as you said it

[00:21:16.20 –> 00:21:20.84] you said it perfectly it doesn’t happen

[00:21:18.04 –> 00:21:23.00] if you don’t put in the work and you’ve

[00:21:20.84 –> 00:21:25.88] spent decades getting to this point

[00:21:23.00 –> 00:21:28.16] getting to this place where you can say

[00:21:25.88 –> 00:21:30.88] I I’m here I’ve done it you know I’m

[00:21:28.16 –> 00:21:33.60] proud of of what I’ve got and now and

[00:21:30.88 –> 00:21:36.80] you’re also a peer specialist so you’ve

[00:21:33.60 –> 00:21:39.28] decided to support others what led you

[00:21:36.80 –> 00:21:41.56] to become uh a peer

[00:21:39.28 –> 00:21:43.72] specialist um that’s a great question

[00:21:41.56 –> 00:21:47.08] thank you for asking I I somewhere deep

[00:21:43.72 –> 00:21:50.76] down inside of me I’ve always wanted to

[00:21:47.08 –> 00:21:53.08] counsel and help people always even even

[00:21:50.76 –> 00:21:55.44] when I was on the streets living that

[00:21:53.08 –> 00:21:56.52] life I would still give people advice

[00:21:55.44 –> 00:21:58.08] even though I’m doing the same thing

[00:21:56.52 –> 00:21:59.76] they’re doing you know I would still

[00:21:58.08 –> 00:22:01.48] still give people advice and people

[00:21:59.76 –> 00:22:03.00] would still like from a addict to an

[00:22:01.48 –> 00:22:04.72] addict they was like man you know thank

[00:22:03.00 –> 00:22:06.12] you man I’m glad that you know I’m glad

[00:22:04.72 –> 00:22:07.64] that we met and I’m glad that you know

[00:22:06.12 –> 00:22:09.28] we can you know do this peacefully

[00:22:07.64 –> 00:22:12.00] because we’re we’re slowly committing

[00:22:09.28 –> 00:22:14.08] suicide you know one drug One Drug at a

[00:22:12.00 –> 00:22:17.00] time and I was still able

[00:22:14.08 –> 00:22:19.32] to help people have some kind of calm

[00:22:17.00 –> 00:22:23.24] and resolve even in the fact of getting

[00:22:19.32 –> 00:22:25.52] high so um while I was in federal prison

[00:22:23.24 –> 00:22:28.80] I went to Bible College and I graduated

[00:22:25.52 –> 00:22:31.84] from Bible College with all A’s and and

[00:22:28.80 –> 00:22:35.04] um studying the book uh of Proverbs and

[00:22:31.84 –> 00:22:37.72] the songs of Solomon and Ecclesiastes

[00:22:35.04 –> 00:22:39.20] those things and those wise sayings are

[00:22:37.72 –> 00:22:41.20] things that actually stuck near and dear

[00:22:39.20 –> 00:22:43.80] to my heart so I knew deep down inside

[00:22:41.20 –> 00:22:46.04] that I had this counseling spirit so I

[00:22:43.80 –> 00:22:48.84] just needed to find out how to get into

[00:22:46.04 –> 00:22:50.92] it and I did by doing an online search

[00:22:48.84 –> 00:22:52.88] and search and uh I got in touch with

[00:22:50.92 –> 00:22:55.52] the New York uh New York Association of

[00:22:52.88 –> 00:22:56.84] peer Specialists and I contacted and I

[00:22:55.52 –> 00:22:59.00] called and got this lady on the phone

[00:22:56.84 –> 00:23:00.24] and told her my story and she said I’m

[00:22:59.00 –> 00:23:01.92] going to send you the links and blah

[00:23:00.24 –> 00:23:04.32] blah blah blah and we’ll get all this

[00:23:01.92 –> 00:23:06.32] started and I got it all started and

[00:23:04.32 –> 00:23:07.92] I’ve been a certified pure specialist

[00:23:06.32 –> 00:23:11.60] since

[00:23:07.92 –> 00:23:14.04] 2017 since 2017 and since then I’ve got

[00:23:11.60 –> 00:23:17.40] my serper certifications which is uh I’m

[00:23:14.04 –> 00:23:18.96] a recovery coach I’ve got my mat

[00:23:17.40 –> 00:23:21.36] certifications which is medically

[00:23:18.96 –> 00:23:22.80] assisted treatment for people who go uh

[00:23:21.36 –> 00:23:25.64] through uh methodone clinics and things

[00:23:22.80 –> 00:23:26.52] of that nature and I’m also a certified

[00:23:25.64 –> 00:23:28.48] personal

[00:23:26.52 –> 00:23:31.56] trainer um

[00:23:28.48 –> 00:23:36.12] in uh in Fitness because we are all mind

[00:23:31.56 –> 00:23:37.72] body and spirit yes yes yes mind body

[00:23:36.12 –> 00:23:39.44] and spirit that’s what it’s all about

[00:23:37.72 –> 00:23:40.64] you got to have that balance once you

[00:23:39.44 –> 00:23:43.20] get that

[00:23:40.64 –> 00:23:45.68] balance I mean you get that balance and

[00:23:43.20 –> 00:23:48.68] you stay in Balance it’s it’s it’s the

[00:23:45.68 –> 00:23:50.48] most beautiful feeling in the world um

[00:23:48.68 –> 00:23:52.28] another thing that I want to you know

[00:23:50.48 –> 00:23:55.76] add to this and I’m very very grateful

[00:23:52.28 –> 00:23:58.68] to God that I have a clean bill of

[00:23:55.76 –> 00:24:00.44] health 100% when you’re health healthy

[00:23:58.68 –> 00:24:02.20] you’re wealthy when you’re healthy

[00:24:00.44 –> 00:24:04.32] you’re wealthy I tell people that all

[00:24:02.20 –> 00:24:06.52] the time it’s it’s more important than

[00:24:04.32 –> 00:24:10.40] having a whole bunch of money if you’re

[00:24:06.52 –> 00:24:13.24] healthy you’re wealthy yeah so

[00:24:10.40 –> 00:24:15.72] um uh with that being said you know it’s

[00:24:13.24 –> 00:24:17.96] just it’s a beautiful thing if am I

[00:24:15.72 –> 00:24:21.24] remembering correctly you also have a a

[00:24:17.96 –> 00:24:24.32] a certificate in parenting guidance or

[00:24:21.24 –> 00:24:25.92] or helping with dads can you clarify

[00:24:24.32 –> 00:24:29.56] what that training is that you’ve done

[00:24:25.92 –> 00:24:32.68] oh yeah I do I I I’m I’m I’m what you

[00:24:29.56 –> 00:24:35.48] call a certified reading father so I

[00:24:32.68 –> 00:24:37.64] went through U two two or three

[00:24:35.48 –> 00:24:39.04] parenting programs I have so many

[00:24:37.64 –> 00:24:42.48] credentials I I don’t even want to pull

[00:24:39.04 –> 00:24:44.88] them out right now um I am uh one of the

[00:24:42.48 –> 00:24:47.16] I I would love to help guys be able to

[00:24:44.88 –> 00:24:48.56] reach their children through Reading

[00:24:47.16 –> 00:24:51.60] that’s one of the best things you can do

[00:24:48.56 –> 00:24:54.04] to your children is read to them um my

[00:24:51.60 –> 00:24:56.00] uh my kids are very very Avid readers

[00:24:54.04 –> 00:24:58.16] and it’s because when they were infants

[00:24:56.00 –> 00:25:00.24] I read to them all the way to to todders

[00:24:58.16 –> 00:25:02.48] as they were toddlers read read read and

[00:25:00.24 –> 00:25:05.52] I would use animated voices and animated

[00:25:02.48 –> 00:25:08.72] phrases to keep their attention um my

[00:25:05.52 –> 00:25:11.68] daughter is uh 11 and she is student

[00:25:08.72 –> 00:25:14.68] council president of over 600 kids she’s

[00:25:11.68 –> 00:25:17.52] only 11 years old so and as you can see

[00:25:14.68 –> 00:25:23.28] the medals behind me she’s a level five

[00:25:17.52 –> 00:25:26.40] gymnast she’s won over 70 medals over um

[00:25:23.28 –> 00:25:31.56] 15 trophies trophies all up here behind

[00:25:26.40 –> 00:25:34.76] me and uh my son uh won um MVP in

[00:25:31.56 –> 00:25:37.24] basketball he’s got a gymnastics trophy

[00:25:34.76 –> 00:25:40.96] as well for five years as a gymnast for

[00:25:37.24 –> 00:25:43.92] my son and they are doing absolutely

[00:25:40.96 –> 00:25:45.92] great they’re doing great um and uh

[00:25:43.92 –> 00:25:47.56] that’s the result of you give thanks to

[00:25:45.92 –> 00:25:50.00] God for that again for keeping me

[00:25:47.56 –> 00:25:51.92] focused keeping me focused you know and

[00:25:50.00 –> 00:25:53.84] and again you know it was the addiction

[00:25:51.92 –> 00:25:57.00] the addiction going through those years

[00:25:53.84 –> 00:25:59.16] of addiction and being on the street

[00:25:57.00 –> 00:26:01.76] being complete completely lonely being

[00:25:59.16 –> 00:26:03.64] completely hopeless being completely

[00:26:01.76 –> 00:26:05.12] drained it was one time when I was

[00:26:03.64 –> 00:26:07.24] walking the street and I had this pain

[00:26:05.12 –> 00:26:09.12] in my back and in my kidneys I thought

[00:26:07.24 –> 00:26:10.40] that I was going to drop dead I was

[00:26:09.12 –> 00:26:12.12] laying in the bed thinking about it the

[00:26:10.40 –> 00:26:14.24] other night I felt like I was going to

[00:26:12.12 –> 00:26:16.28] drop dead because I knew my kidneys had

[00:26:14.24 –> 00:26:18.96] just been dried out from all the you

[00:26:16.28 –> 00:26:21.60] know smoking crack and drinking because

[00:26:18.96 –> 00:26:24.36] alcohol was my

[00:26:21.60 –> 00:26:27.68] breakfast my breakfast was alcohol

[00:26:24.36 –> 00:26:29.76] period and and from there I would find

[00:26:27.68 –> 00:26:31.44] whoever the biggest drug dealer was I

[00:26:29.76 –> 00:26:33.64] would find him and me and him became

[00:26:31.44 –> 00:26:36.32] best friends that’s just the way I did

[00:26:33.64 –> 00:26:38.88] things um so the way that I’m doing my

[00:26:36.32 –> 00:26:41.36] sobriety is I’m putting all that energy

[00:26:38.88 –> 00:26:44.12] that I put into getting high and being

[00:26:41.36 –> 00:26:46.28] on the streets I putting all that energy

[00:26:44.12 –> 00:26:50.40] and reverse that energy and put it into

[00:26:46.28 –> 00:26:52.20] raising my kids staying focused uh self

[00:26:50.40 –> 00:26:55.16] first self-preservation is the first law

[00:26:52.20 –> 00:26:57.20] of nature self first right because just

[00:26:55.16 –> 00:26:59.76] like when you on an airplane if you run

[00:26:57.20 –> 00:27:02.20] out of oxygen if the air if the aircraft

[00:26:59.76 –> 00:27:04.92] loses oxygen you need to give yourself

[00:27:02.20 –> 00:27:07.32] oxygen first before you give it to your

[00:27:04.92 –> 00:27:09.72] kids because if you give it to your kids

[00:27:07.32 –> 00:27:12.32] first and you die how you GNA take care

[00:27:09.72 –> 00:27:14.88] of your kids right so you got to take

[00:27:12.32 –> 00:27:17.32] care of yourself first and then take

[00:27:14.88 –> 00:27:19.32] care of everything else uh in your close

[00:27:17.32 –> 00:27:22.04] uh circumference and the people that you

[00:27:19.32 –> 00:27:24.20] love um so but yeah thank you for that I

[00:27:22.04 –> 00:27:27.28] am a certified reading father I like I

[00:27:24.20 –> 00:27:29.00] like being a reading father I really do

[00:27:27.28 –> 00:27:31.84] yes

[00:27:29.00 –> 00:27:35.16] an amazing additional service that you

[00:27:31.84 –> 00:27:38.76] can offer right I mean so just kind of

[00:27:35.16 –> 00:27:41.72] taking all in you’ve been through um

[00:27:38.76 –> 00:27:44.80] incarceration long-term incarceration

[00:27:41.72 –> 00:27:47.80] you’ve been unhoused you’ve gone through

[00:27:44.80 –> 00:27:50.92] substance use you’ve had to you know

[00:27:47.80 –> 00:27:53.16] you’re a single parent all these things

[00:27:50.92 –> 00:27:56.28] are are contributing to what you have to

[00:27:53.16 –> 00:27:59.00] offer to others as you deliver pure

[00:27:56.28 –> 00:28:01.96] Services is there anything else that um

[00:27:59.00 –> 00:28:04.56] you particularly like to help people

[00:28:01.96 –> 00:28:06.00] with that you want people to know yeah

[00:28:04.56 –> 00:28:07.56] because I would I would like to help

[00:28:06.00 –> 00:28:09.64] people because I want to I want to not

[00:28:07.56 –> 00:28:12.48] just treat the symptom of addiction I

[00:28:09.64 –> 00:28:13.76] want to get down to the bottom of what

[00:28:12.48 –> 00:28:15.32] is the root

[00:28:13.76 –> 00:28:18.88] cause

[00:28:15.32 –> 00:28:20.32] of you know you still keep going out or

[00:28:18.88 –> 00:28:22.04] you still keep going to rehab and keep

[00:28:20.32 –> 00:28:24.88] relapsing and over and over and over so

[00:28:22.04 –> 00:28:27.80] I want to get to what is the life Trap

[00:28:24.88 –> 00:28:31.28] or what is the generational curse that’s

[00:28:27.80 –> 00:28:32.72] causing you to keep getting high because

[00:28:31.28 –> 00:28:35.84] there is a root

[00:28:32.72 –> 00:28:37.80] cause and uh the thing that I want to do

[00:28:35.84 –> 00:28:39.96] and with the people that come to me for

[00:28:37.80 –> 00:28:42.72] help they come with a willing and an

[00:28:39.96 –> 00:28:44.56] open heart and with with with truth and

[00:28:42.72 –> 00:28:46.56] honesty and being completely candid

[00:28:44.56 –> 00:28:48.36] about everything I think that I can help

[00:28:46.56 –> 00:28:51.64] them because I want to I want to get to

[00:28:48.36 –> 00:28:54.28] the root of of why why why does get in

[00:28:51.64 –> 00:28:56.36] high bring you so much so much release

[00:28:54.28 –> 00:28:58.12] because for me like I said the

[00:28:56.36 –> 00:28:59.76] abandonment life Trap I suffered for

[00:28:58.12 –> 00:29:02.00] years getting high because I felt

[00:28:59.76 –> 00:29:03.20] abandoned for years I would get high I

[00:29:02.00 –> 00:29:05.80] didn’t even care what nobody thought

[00:29:03.20 –> 00:29:07.92] about me but at the same time I did care

[00:29:05.80 –> 00:29:09.88] because I stayed hid I stayed hid from

[00:29:07.92 –> 00:29:11.72] the public because the only people that

[00:29:09.88 –> 00:29:13.60] respect drug dealers is other drug

[00:29:11.72 –> 00:29:15.84] dealers and the only people that really

[00:29:13.60 –> 00:29:17.64] respect the drug dealers is drug users

[00:29:15.84 –> 00:29:19.76] but still there’s there’s really no

[00:29:17.64 –> 00:29:20.96] respect in that because what are you

[00:29:19.76 –> 00:29:23.12] doing you’re aiding and ab betting with

[00:29:20.96 –> 00:29:25.76] killing each other so it’s really not

[00:29:23.12 –> 00:29:28.20] even true respect anyway so um I want to

[00:29:25.76 –> 00:29:30.92] get to the root of the problem

[00:29:28.20 –> 00:29:32.28] which starts with self starts with self

[00:29:30.92 –> 00:29:34.40] and let’s find out what’s really going

[00:29:32.28 –> 00:29:37.12] on deep down inside and and that’s the

[00:29:34.40 –> 00:29:40.92] key to getting clean and staying clean

[00:29:37.12 –> 00:29:44.20] and staying focused yes yes one thing I

[00:29:40.92 –> 00:29:47.60] want to show you too hold on yeah these

[00:29:44.20 –> 00:29:49.68] are this is one of the books that I use

[00:29:47.60 –> 00:29:51.52] it’s called

[00:29:49.68 –> 00:29:56.20] Reinventing Your

[00:29:51.52 –> 00:29:59.16] Life okay and in this book you learn how

[00:29:56.20 –> 00:30:02.84] to you create create a more positive and

[00:29:59.16 –> 00:30:05.80] a more productive environment so it’s

[00:30:02.84 –> 00:30:08.52] all about your environment what’s going

[00:30:05.80 –> 00:30:10.40] on in your environment what do you allow

[00:30:08.52 –> 00:30:12.80] you know in your home around your

[00:30:10.40 –> 00:30:15.20] children or what do you say what type of

[00:30:12.80 –> 00:30:17.08] things do you say what type of music see

[00:30:15.20 –> 00:30:20.00] what type of music do you listen to what

[00:30:17.08 –> 00:30:22.88] type of movies do you watch on TV like

[00:30:20.00 –> 00:30:24.56] me for instance I don’t watch any movies

[00:30:22.88 –> 00:30:26.72] have to do with Gangsta or Gangsta

[00:30:24.56 –> 00:30:28.80] lifestyle or any movies that have to do

[00:30:26.72 –> 00:30:30.64] with drugs in a drug lifestyle I don’t

[00:30:28.80 –> 00:30:32.72] watch them I don’t care how good they

[00:30:30.64 –> 00:30:33.96] are I don’t care what the ratings are I

[00:30:32.72 –> 00:30:37.48] don’t watch them because it’s not good

[00:30:33.96 –> 00:30:40.32] for my soul because it makes me it makes

[00:30:37.48 –> 00:30:42.60] me relive what I’ve already been through

[00:30:40.32 –> 00:30:44.60] you know and then and then I don’t I

[00:30:42.60 –> 00:30:45.80] don’t think it’s not up to me to decide

[00:30:44.60 –> 00:30:47.68] but I don’t think things of that nature

[00:30:45.80 –> 00:30:49.64] should be glamorized because a lot of

[00:30:47.68 –> 00:30:51.32] people don’t know the downside to

[00:30:49.64 –> 00:30:53.72] becoming a drug dealer they don’t know

[00:30:51.32 –> 00:30:57.40] the downside to it they just think it’s

[00:30:53.72 –> 00:30:58.84] cool right so um and another thing I

[00:30:57.40 –> 00:31:00.84] want to teach people how to develop a

[00:30:58.84 –> 00:31:02.88] very fulfilling relationship even though

[00:31:00.84 –> 00:31:04.60] I’m single I can still tell you how to

[00:31:02.88 –> 00:31:06.32] develop a good relationship and some

[00:31:04.60 –> 00:31:08.32] people like man how can you do that and

[00:31:06.32 –> 00:31:12.44] you’re single

[00:31:08.32 –> 00:31:16.32] easy easy knowledge wisdom understanding

[00:31:12.44 –> 00:31:19.92] you know um teaching people how to

[00:31:16.32 –> 00:31:20.68] energize and transform their lives from

[00:31:19.92 –> 00:31:22.24] the

[00:31:20.68 –> 00:31:24.60] inside

[00:31:22.24 –> 00:31:25.76] out because you need to go through a

[00:31:24.60 –> 00:31:27.60] complete

[00:31:25.76 –> 00:31:29.76] transformation and there’s going to be

[00:31:27.60 –> 00:31:31.08] people who going to say like certain

[00:31:29.76 –> 00:31:33.72] family members said to me or you think

[00:31:31.08 –> 00:31:35.32] you’re better than us or they were I had

[00:31:33.72 –> 00:31:36.80] family members post nasty things about

[00:31:35.32 –> 00:31:38.96] me on Facebook things that weren’t even

[00:31:36.80 –> 00:31:41.40] true all

[00:31:38.96 –> 00:31:43.84] because they don’t share in my dreams

[00:31:41.40 –> 00:31:45.44] and goals they don’t see the calling

[00:31:43.84 –> 00:31:49.28] that God has put on my life they don’t

[00:31:45.44 –> 00:31:53.32] see that so instead of joining me they

[00:31:49.28 –> 00:31:55.52] get jealous you know so um and it’s okay

[00:31:53.32 –> 00:31:57.48] I still love them I still love them but

[00:31:55.52 –> 00:32:00.44] at the same time I generate my energy

[00:31:57.48 –> 00:32:02.92] towards my children I don’t focus on uh

[00:32:00.44 –> 00:32:05.68] who who I don’t focus on who I don’t

[00:32:02.92 –> 00:32:07.12] need to be validated that’s the thing

[00:32:05.68 –> 00:32:09.20] and that’s one of the things that we go

[00:32:07.12 –> 00:32:11.28] through in addiction is that we seek

[00:32:09.20 –> 00:32:12.76] validation from other people you can

[00:32:11.28 –> 00:32:14.16] grow out of that you don’t need to be

[00:32:12.76 –> 00:32:16.08] validated if you’re doing the right

[00:32:14.16 –> 00:32:18.76] thing nobody needs to know that you’re

[00:32:16.08 –> 00:32:19.84] doing the right thing but you keep doing

[00:32:18.76 –> 00:32:21.96] the right thing you don’t need to tell

[00:32:19.84 –> 00:32:24.00] nobody oh I’ve been clean for 10 years

[00:32:21.96 –> 00:32:26.04] or I’ve been clean for three days or

[00:32:24.00 –> 00:32:27.28] I’ve been clean for 30 days and you

[00:32:26.04 –> 00:32:28.32] don’t need to go around and tell

[00:32:27.28 –> 00:32:29.52] everybody you’ve been clean you don’t

[00:32:28.32 –> 00:32:31.92] need to tell everybody you just got out

[00:32:29.52 –> 00:32:34.32] of rehab keep it to yourself until it

[00:32:31.92 –> 00:32:36.64] becomes true for you it becomes a

[00:32:34.32 –> 00:32:38.56] reality because some people still

[00:32:36.64 –> 00:32:41.72] looking for that pat on the

[00:32:38.56 –> 00:32:43.80] back and me when I stop searching for

[00:32:41.72 –> 00:32:46.48] that pat on the back is really your ego

[00:32:43.80 –> 00:32:51.28] you have that big big ego and the word

[00:32:46.48 –> 00:32:54.16] ego means edging God out edging God out

[00:32:51.28 –> 00:32:55.92] drop the ego humble

[00:32:54.16 –> 00:32:58.16] yourselves and that’s when you get

[00:32:55.92 –> 00:33:00.12] exalted you get you get exalted mentally

[00:32:58.16 –> 00:33:02.76] you get exalted spiritually you get

[00:33:00.12 –> 00:33:05.00] exalted physically emotionally you get

[00:33:02.76 –> 00:33:08.64] exalted the exaltation will come you’ll

[00:33:05.00 –> 00:33:10.68] feel so much better about yourself so um

[00:33:08.64 –> 00:33:13.44] I want to help people also deal with

[00:33:10.68 –> 00:33:16.28] anxiety because anxiety starts here

[00:33:13.44 –> 00:33:18.76] starts right here you heard the saying

[00:33:16.28 –> 00:33:22.00] you turn a a mole hill into a mountain

[00:33:18.76 –> 00:33:24.64] it starts with what you’re thinking okay

[00:33:22.00 –> 00:33:25.96] um help people get out of being fearful

[00:33:24.64 –> 00:33:28.32] because a lot of people just live in

[00:33:25.96 –> 00:33:29.48] fear they live in fear you know I used

[00:33:28.32 –> 00:33:31.28] to be one of the people who lived in

[00:33:29.48 –> 00:33:32.68] fear I wouldn’t go in certain places or

[00:33:31.28 –> 00:33:34.68] do certain things because I was just

[00:33:32.68 –> 00:33:37.84] afraid even though I didn’t look a

[00:33:34.68 –> 00:33:40.88] afraid I was afraid so I would had out

[00:33:37.84 –> 00:33:44.56] in these crack dens crack houses uh uh

[00:33:40.88 –> 00:33:47.56] drug houses uh liquor houses um I always

[00:33:44.56 –> 00:33:50.48] stayed on uh what we could we can call

[00:33:47.56 –> 00:33:53.08] the dark side of life because I was

[00:33:50.48 –> 00:33:55.28] afraid to come into the light I was

[00:33:53.08 –> 00:33:56.80] afraid I knew I had the intelligence I

[00:33:55.28 –> 00:33:58.96] knew I had the knowledge I knew I had

[00:33:56.80 –> 00:34:01.48] the the wisdom the smarts whatever I

[00:33:58.96 –> 00:34:04.24] knew I had it I was just afraid to use

[00:34:01.48 –> 00:34:06.80] it I was afraid to use it from that fear

[00:34:04.24 –> 00:34:08.72] of rejection see that rejection can be

[00:34:06.80 –> 00:34:11.00] somebody’s life Trap they’re afraid that

[00:34:08.72 –> 00:34:13.76] people are going to reject them you know

[00:34:11.00 –> 00:34:15.48] but you got to stop rejecting yourself

[00:34:13.76 –> 00:34:17.48] stop rejecting yourself and stop

[00:34:15.48 –> 00:34:19.16] thinking that everybody’s thinking about

[00:34:17.48 –> 00:34:20.24] you because a lot of people aren’t even

[00:34:19.16 –> 00:34:23.20] thinking about you a lot of people don’t

[00:34:20.24 –> 00:34:25.64] even care they really don’t a lot of

[00:34:23.20 –> 00:34:27.76] people don’t even care they really don’t

[00:34:25.64 –> 00:34:29.56] um and which is a sad thing and and and

[00:34:27.76 –> 00:34:30.92] I’m saying that and I mean it because a

[00:34:29.56 –> 00:34:32.64] lot of people really don’t care because

[00:34:30.92 –> 00:34:33.88] you’re we’re we’re focus and wasting

[00:34:32.64 –> 00:34:36.08] time what other people think about us

[00:34:33.88 –> 00:34:39.40] and they really don’t even care they

[00:34:36.08 –> 00:34:41.84] really don’t so um a lot of us have a

[00:34:39.40 –> 00:34:44.08] lot of self-defeating

[00:34:41.84 –> 00:34:47.00] behaviors and and and what it means it’s

[00:34:44.08 –> 00:34:49.72] a self defeating Behavior so what we do

[00:34:47.00 –> 00:34:50.76] is we sabotage all the good things that

[00:34:49.72 –> 00:34:53.12] come our

[00:34:50.76 –> 00:34:54.52] way because we’re defeating ourselves no

[00:34:53.12 –> 00:34:56.48] one else is doing it we’re doing it to

[00:34:54.52 –> 00:34:58.88] ourselves you know there’s a rap group

[00:34:56.48 –> 00:35:00.84] long time ago named Houdini I don’t know

[00:34:58.88 –> 00:35:03.96] if you remember withy but Houdini they

[00:35:00.84 –> 00:35:06.84] had a song called you brought it on

[00:35:03.96 –> 00:35:08.12] yourself I think it was Houdini yeah I

[00:35:06.84 –> 00:35:10.48] think it was Houdini you brought it on

[00:35:08.12 –> 00:35:12.60] yourself was the name of the song uh so

[00:35:10.48 –> 00:35:13.80] a lot of things that we do and a lot of

[00:35:12.60 –> 00:35:16.20] things that we go through we actually

[00:35:13.80 –> 00:35:20.00] bring those things on ourselves by the

[00:35:16.20 –> 00:35:22.48] choices that we make so um again I I’m

[00:35:20.00 –> 00:35:24.52] here today I want to help as many people

[00:35:22.48 –> 00:35:26.88] as I possibly can I want to get down to

[00:35:24.52 –> 00:35:28.64] the root of the problem get down to the

[00:35:26.88 –> 00:35:30.80] life Trap get down to the generational

[00:35:28.64 –> 00:35:32.40] curse that’s passed on from generation

[00:35:30.80 –> 00:35:34.36] to generation you know I’ve been on the

[00:35:32.40 –> 00:35:35.96] streets with guys who say you know my

[00:35:34.36 –> 00:35:38.68] daddy used to sell drugs and my daddy

[00:35:35.96 –> 00:35:40.64] got killed right here on this corner see

[00:35:38.68 –> 00:35:41.96] to some people they was like damn so if

[00:35:40.64 –> 00:35:44.24] your daddy just got killed on this

[00:35:41.96 –> 00:35:46.80] corner why you on the same Corner I’ve

[00:35:44.24 –> 00:35:49.44] been incarcerated with guys Father and

[00:35:46.80 –> 00:35:52.44] Son both had life sentences in the same

[00:35:49.44 –> 00:35:54.80] prison I’ve seen it with my own eyes you

[00:35:52.44 –> 00:35:56.32] know but it’s that generational thing

[00:35:54.80 –> 00:35:57.76] you know and and if you don’t change the

[00:35:56.32 –> 00:36:01.56] way you think

[00:35:57.76 –> 00:36:03.32] nothing changes nothing will change and

[00:36:01.56 –> 00:36:06.84] you know uh

[00:36:03.32 –> 00:36:10.20] coming the thinking the the messaging we

[00:36:06.84 –> 00:36:12.60] tell ourselves a lot of times there’s uh

[00:36:10.20 –> 00:36:14.72] stigma that people internalize right

[00:36:12.60 –> 00:36:18.56] things they hear others saying that they

[00:36:14.72 –> 00:36:20.92] say yeah I am just an that addict or or

[00:36:18.56 –> 00:36:23.72] whatever you know degrading thing

[00:36:20.92 –> 00:36:26.40] they’ve heard and and put on themselves

[00:36:23.72 –> 00:36:29.04] what would be what would you like to say

[00:36:26.40 –> 00:36:30.72] to challenge stigma and I mean it can be

[00:36:29.04 –> 00:36:33.44] stigma for anything because we know it’s

[00:36:30.72 –> 00:36:36.24] out there based on so many different

[00:36:33.44 –> 00:36:38.44] factors you know what the first thing

[00:36:36.24 –> 00:36:41.72] you have to realize that stigmas were

[00:36:38.44 –> 00:36:43.04] stigmas are created by people who are

[00:36:41.72 –> 00:36:45.32] I’ll say the word when you say you’re

[00:36:43.04 –> 00:36:48.44] trying to belittle somebody you’re

[00:36:45.32 –> 00:36:51.00] actually being little yourself because

[00:36:48.44 –> 00:36:52.36] if you have to belittle somebody that

[00:36:51.00 –> 00:36:53.32] means that there’s something going on

[00:36:52.36 –> 00:36:56.32] with

[00:36:53.32 –> 00:36:59.52] you there’s something going on with you

[00:36:56.32 –> 00:37:02.36] that you have to make this man or this

[00:36:59.52 –> 00:37:04.36] woman feel bad about themselves and even

[00:37:02.36 –> 00:37:07.08] to the point where they start saying it

[00:37:04.36 –> 00:37:09.44] to themselves you know or like I’ve

[00:37:07.08 –> 00:37:11.92] heard I’ve heard females say I’m a

[00:37:09.44 –> 00:37:13.80] junkie and I’m G be a junkie till I die

[00:37:11.92 –> 00:37:16.36] I’ve heard men say the same thing I’m a

[00:37:13.80 –> 00:37:18.72] junkie and I’mma Be a junkie till I die

[00:37:16.36 –> 00:37:20.04] I’ve heard him say these things and the

[00:37:18.72 –> 00:37:22.24] whole time I’m standing right there with

[00:37:20.04 –> 00:37:24.96] him and I’m like I’m not I’m not saying

[00:37:22.24 –> 00:37:27.72] that I’m that I just in my mind even

[00:37:24.96 –> 00:37:29.36] though I’m getting high too I’m not

[00:37:27.72 –> 00:37:32.16] saying nothing I’m not even going to

[00:37:29.36 –> 00:37:35.76] vocalize and give life to that right so

[00:37:32.16 –> 00:37:38.36] when it comes to stigmas stigmas are are

[00:37:35.76 –> 00:37:41.12] very terrible uh and once again like I

[00:37:38.36 –> 00:37:42.48] said stigmas are created by people who

[00:37:41.12 –> 00:37:44.68] people who don’t realize that one day

[00:37:42.48 –> 00:37:46.08] they’re going to die too and people who

[00:37:44.68 –> 00:37:47.36] don’t realize that all the money that

[00:37:46.08 –> 00:37:49.24] they have or whatever it is that they

[00:37:47.36 –> 00:37:51.88] might have over you it doesn’t make you

[00:37:49.24 –> 00:37:54.36] a better person it does not make you a

[00:37:51.88 –> 00:37:56.72] better person you know and and and and

[00:37:54.36 –> 00:37:59.64] again getting back to the self-defeating

[00:37:56.72 –> 00:38:02.24] behaviors is because some of us that’s

[00:37:59.64 –> 00:38:04.44] caught up in addiction we hold on to the

[00:38:02.24 –> 00:38:05.80] stigmas we hold on to the stigmas and

[00:38:04.44 –> 00:38:07.68] the negative things that people say

[00:38:05.80 –> 00:38:09.24] about us you know and we let those

[00:38:07.68 –> 00:38:12.08] things continue to beat us down because

[00:38:09.24 –> 00:38:14.68] we say oh well I’m no good anyway so I

[00:38:12.08 –> 00:38:15.80] might as well go and keep getting high I

[00:38:14.68 –> 00:38:18.16] might as well you know and those

[00:38:15.80 –> 00:38:20.60] feelings of insecurity you’re very very

[00:38:18.16 –> 00:38:22.20] insecure those feelings of rejection

[00:38:20.60 –> 00:38:23.80] those feelings of rejection you know so

[00:38:22.20 –> 00:38:26.80] what you have to do is you have to tell

[00:38:23.80 –> 00:38:29.60] yourself I am here for a purpose I’m

[00:38:26.80 –> 00:38:33.84] still alive I’m not dead yet I’m not

[00:38:29.60 –> 00:38:36.56] dead yet so what must I do what must I

[00:38:33.84 –> 00:38:39.32] say say good things about yourself even

[00:38:36.56 –> 00:38:40.80] if like it says fake it till you make it

[00:38:39.32 –> 00:38:42.84] fake it till you make it start telling

[00:38:40.80 –> 00:38:44.76] yourself these wonderful things just

[00:38:42.84 –> 00:38:47.68] keep saying it over and over and over

[00:38:44.76 –> 00:38:49.24] and change change comes it comes because

[00:38:47.68 –> 00:38:51.76] we can speak with the power of the

[00:38:49.24 –> 00:38:54.68] tongue we can speak death to ourselves

[00:38:51.76 –> 00:38:57.84] or to others or we can speak life into

[00:38:54.68 –> 00:39:00.40] ourself and to other people so uh in my

[00:38:57.84 –> 00:39:03.84] household uh my my kids we don’t say the

[00:39:00.40 –> 00:39:07.36] word can’t we have a can do can do

[00:39:03.84 –> 00:39:10.08] attitude because it’s your attitude

[00:39:07.36 –> 00:39:12.96] about yourself your attitude about life

[00:39:10.08 –> 00:39:16.20] your attitude about even other people

[00:39:12.96 –> 00:39:19.08] that determines your altitude attitude

[00:39:16.20 –> 00:39:21.36] determines altitude so you know these

[00:39:19.08 –> 00:39:24.24] stigmas is is is just like I said it’s

[00:39:21.36 –> 00:39:26.88] other people trying to belittle other

[00:39:24.24 –> 00:39:29.36] people but again they’re just being

[00:39:26.88 –> 00:39:30.64] little themselves because some people

[00:39:29.36 –> 00:39:32.20] that’s the only way they can feel good

[00:39:30.64 –> 00:39:33.84] about themselves is to put somebody else

[00:39:32.20 –> 00:39:35.84] down just like someone who’s verbally

[00:39:33.84 –> 00:39:39.24] abusive they’re verbally abusive because

[00:39:35.84 –> 00:39:42.12] it makes them feel better by verbally

[00:39:39.24 –> 00:39:43.76] abusing you but we got to stop the

[00:39:42.12 –> 00:39:45.88] self-defeating behaviors we got to stop

[00:39:43.76 –> 00:39:49.16] putting ourselves down so my final

[00:39:45.88 –> 00:39:51.16] question for you then uh and we ask

[00:39:49.16 –> 00:39:53.08] every peer this because there will be

[00:39:51.16 –> 00:39:55.32] someone who’s listening to your

[00:39:53.08 –> 00:39:57.84] interview and it’s resonating with them

[00:39:55.32 –> 00:40:00.44] and they’re going through a hard time

[00:39:57.84 –> 00:40:02.48] what would you want that person to hear

[00:40:00.44 –> 00:40:05.20] I would want them to hear that that that

[00:40:02.48 –> 00:40:07.04] the cycle can be broken you got to know

[00:40:05.20 –> 00:40:08.56] it’s just a cycle it says that

[00:40:07.04 –> 00:40:12.44] everything that happens in life happens

[00:40:08.56 –> 00:40:14.16] for a reason for a season okay and we

[00:40:12.44 –> 00:40:16.04] want to drop the part off for a lifetime

[00:40:14.16 –> 00:40:18.32] because the lifetime you got to remember

[00:40:16.04 –> 00:40:20.88] that the best years of your life are

[00:40:18.32 –> 00:40:23.20] ahead of you not behind you that they’re

[00:40:20.88 –> 00:40:26.60] in front of you you know in in a in in

[00:40:23.20 –> 00:40:27.84] your car you have a rearview mirror and

[00:40:26.60 –> 00:40:30.04] when you look in the rear your mirror

[00:40:27.84 –> 00:40:32.00] everything in that mirror is small but

[00:40:30.04 –> 00:40:35.32] when you look out your out your front

[00:40:32.00 –> 00:40:37.52] windshield it’s big it’s big so you can

[00:40:35.32 –> 00:40:41.16] see everything all spacious because

[00:40:37.52 –> 00:40:42.36] that’s how big your future is you look

[00:40:41.16 –> 00:40:44.16] at things in the rearview mirror they

[00:40:42.36 –> 00:40:46.20] get smaller as you drive and keep

[00:40:44.16 –> 00:40:49.36] looking it gets smaller and smaller and

[00:40:46.20 –> 00:40:53.04] smaller so you have to leave the pass

[00:40:49.36 –> 00:40:54.60] behind you got to start over start fresh

[00:40:53.04 –> 00:40:56.88] uh some people some people want to hold

[00:40:54.60 –> 00:40:58.52] on to these phone numbers they want to

[00:40:56.88 –> 00:41:00.64] keep the same phone number they want to

[00:40:58.52 –> 00:41:04.40] keep the same contacts and I’ll tell

[00:41:00.64 –> 00:41:05.84] people this early in recovery get rid of

[00:41:04.40 –> 00:41:07.84] your phone

[00:41:05.84 –> 00:41:09.60] number matter of fact just get rid of

[00:41:07.84 –> 00:41:11.80] the phone get a whole new

[00:41:09.60 –> 00:41:13.64] phone because they say oh I deleted my

[00:41:11.80 –> 00:41:14.64] contacts yeah but you still got the same

[00:41:13.64 –> 00:41:17.20] phone

[00:41:14.64 –> 00:41:21.60] number right get rid of everything

[00:41:17.20 –> 00:41:24.72] change change you have to change

[00:41:21.60 –> 00:41:26.60] everything about your past you got to

[00:41:24.72 –> 00:41:28.36] change all those things the way you’re

[00:41:26.60 –> 00:41:30.24] thinking the things you’re doing the way

[00:41:28.36 –> 00:41:34.08] you’re acting and it’s it’s it’s not

[00:41:30.24 –> 00:41:36.48] easy it’s not easy it’s not easy at all

[00:41:34.08 –> 00:41:37.96] but it’s very very very doable and I’m

[00:41:36.48 –> 00:41:40.72] here to help as many people as I

[00:41:37.96 –> 00:41:43.24] possibly can and I can show them how to

[00:41:40.72 –> 00:41:46.80] do it if I can come off the streets from

[00:41:43.24 –> 00:41:48.60] living under a bridge now listen under

[00:41:46.80 –> 00:41:51.40] that bridge there was cars down beneath

[00:41:48.60 –> 00:41:53.80] that bridge doing 70 80 miles an hour

[00:41:51.40 –> 00:41:57.04] one slip and I would have fell into that

[00:41:53.80 –> 00:41:59.60] traffic and got killed that’s how far

[00:41:57.04 –> 00:42:01.72] down my addiction had driven me under a

[00:41:59.60 –> 00:42:04.20] bridge where there’s speeding traffic so

[00:42:01.72 –> 00:42:06.52] I can make it up into the holes of the

[00:42:04.20 –> 00:42:09.04] bridge so I have somewhere to sleep for

[00:42:06.52 –> 00:42:11.92] the night but I always KN knew that if I

[00:42:09.04 –> 00:42:14.44] slip and I would fall down that incline

[00:42:11.92 –> 00:42:17.16] I fall right into speed and

[00:42:14.44 –> 00:42:20.28] traffic that’s how

[00:42:17.16 –> 00:42:22.24] insane addiction had driven me so I’m

[00:42:20.28 –> 00:42:24.36] here today to say you know we can do it

[00:42:22.24 –> 00:42:27.28] and we can do it together teamw work

[00:42:24.36 –> 00:42:29.76] Makes the Dream Work Teamwork Makes a

[00:42:27.28 –> 00:42:33.04] dream I’m part of your team I’m part of

[00:42:29.76 –> 00:42:35.80] your team I’m here for anybody and

[00:42:33.04 –> 00:42:38.60] everybody anybody from the lgbtq

[00:42:35.80 –> 00:42:41.64] community anybody it doesn’t matter

[00:42:38.60 –> 00:42:45.52] there’s no judgment here no race

[00:42:41.64 –> 00:42:48.08] religion color creed or lack thereof I’m

[00:42:45.52 –> 00:42:51.32] here to help you there’s no judgment

[00:42:48.08 –> 00:42:53.76] okay I’m here wonderful I I can’t thank

[00:42:51.32 –> 00:42:56.72] you enough Rodney for sharing your story

[00:42:53.76 –> 00:43:00.56] um being so open uh

[00:42:56.72 –> 00:43:02.12] it’s a a truly inspiring story and I’m

[00:43:00.56 –> 00:43:06.40] excited for people to get to connect

[00:43:02.12 –> 00:43:08.52] with you I am too I can’t wait so if you

[00:43:06.40 –> 00:43:11.56] are interested in receiving peer support

[00:43:08.52 –> 00:43:14.32] services from Rodney visit straightup

[00:43:11.56 –> 00:43:16.68] members and if you enjoyed this

[00:43:14.32 –> 00:43:18.40] interview which I’m sure you did be sure

[00:43:16.68 –> 00:43:19.84] to share it with friends and family to

[00:43:18.40 –> 00:43:21.68] help more individuals hear the

[00:43:19.84 –> 00:43:24.20] remarkable stories of peer Specialists

[00:43:21.68 –> 00:43:28.08] like Rodney and on behalf of straightup

[00:43:24.20 –> 00:43:28.08] Care thank you for joining us

[00:43:33.86 –> 00:43:38.49] [Music]

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