Meet the Peer: Melissa Saady -

Straight Up Care
Straight Up Care

In this episode of Meet the Peer, Melissa Saady, a certified peer recovery specialist, shares her journey of recovery from addiction and how it led her to become a peer specialist. Melissa emphasizes the importance of peers providing hope to individuals who are struggling, as they can relate to their experiences and inspire them to believe in a better future. She also highlights the power of connection in recovery and how peers can be a stable support system for those in need. She challenges stigma surrounding substance use disorder and mental health by encouraging open conversations. Melissa offers support for grief and is passionate about empowering women and the LGBTQIA+ community.

⁣✨ Peers can provide hope to individuals who are struggling by sharing their own experiences and showing them that recovery is possible.
⁣🤝 Connection is a crucial aspect of recovery, and peers can be a stable support system for those in need.
⁣🫶 Melissa's style as a peer specialist is eclectic and holistic, focusing on individual needs and providing various coping skills.
⁣🥊 Challenging stigma surrounding substance use disorder and mental health is important to create a safe space for open conversations.

Go to to work with Melissa

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