My Story - This is Steven's Story of Addiction and Loss (Full Story)


“My Story” is a video series that dives into the personal stories of people who have struggled with opioid addiction.

Steven has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction since an early age. This video is his personal story of what led him to go down the path towards addiction, what the consequences were of his addiction, and how he choose to overcome it. But not without some incredible hardships, loss, and help from people who care. It’s a powerful story and we're thankful Steven had the courage to share it with us.

This video series is supported by Stand 4 Recovery, a nonprofit that helps find and pay for recovery treatment of individuals who are left without any options from their insurance providers or government programs.

To help Stand 4 Recovery pay and support individuals in need, like Steven, please call 1-800-874-0134 or go to and click donate. There’s no minimum and every bit helps.

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If you know of someone in need please call: 1-800-874-0134

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