Drugs and Alcohol, Addiction and Recovery (My Story)


I am not a DR. or an addictions professional. This video is my personal account of my experiences with drugs and alcohol, addiction and recovery in my own life only. Below the video, in the description box are some direct links to various free recovery programs that are most likely in your area. Everything in this video is from my own personal experiences and does not directly represent the views, opinions of any one of these programs, methods or treatments designed for relief or harm reduction from drug and alcohol addiction. I sincerely hope some of this helps someone in some way. Thank you all for your continued, unconditional love, support, patience and understanding. I am in no way, special or an authority on these subjects just an addict currently abstinent from drug and alcohol abuse. This video is not condemning drug or alcohol use of any kind and is not intended to recommend total abstinence or any other specific views, methods or opinions regarding recovery in any form. It is again ONLY my own personal experience, I know only a little. If you are in the middle of chaotic drug or alcohol abuse and do not wish to quit now or ever please check out some tips from the "Harm Reduction" community. https://harmreduction.org/ No matter what your decision or method there is help! Don't give up, stay safe, stay alive! Love You! Thank you again.
Jason Ricci
12 Step Programs ( listed first)
* Alcoholics Anonymous: https://www.aa.org/
* Narcotics Anonymous" https://www.na.org/
* Heroin Anonymous: https://heroinanonymous.org/
* Cocaine Anonymous: https://ca.org/
(The List goes on for sex, gambling, meth or anything you can almost Imagine just google it)
S.M.A.R.T. RECOVERY (Self Management And Recovery Training)
C.B.T. Based (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy). https://www.smartrecovery.org/
SAMHSA: (24 hour National Recovery Referral Service) https://www.samhsa.gov/find-help/national-helpline
Recovery Dharma: (Buddhist Based Recovery): https://recoverydharma.org/
Christian Recovery: https://www.celebraterecovery.com/
For this and other forms of Christiian recovery groups, see Also: https://www.orlandorecovery.co....m/blog/4-types-chris
SMAF ("Send me A Friend") An organization started by Anders Osborne offering in person support to professional musicians in recovery: https://www.sendmeafriend.org/
These are just a few of the many resources I found useful in my life and using google. There is help out there!

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* Also please consider seeing me or one of my bands live or picking up one of our albums by checking my website https://www.mooncat.org They are packed with harmonica! I tour all over the world and would love to meet you and for you to hear what I do with all this crazy harmonica stuff artistically. One can find my CD's/music at nearly any online store such as itunes/amazon, YouTube, Spotify etc.. Thank you so much for watching and supporting my channel!
* Check out my Sponsors Lone Wolf Blues Company (Pedals, amps and Microphones) https://www.lonewolfblues.com
* Blue Moon Harmonicas by Tom Halchak (Great Harmonicas of all brands!) https://www.bluemoonharmonicas.com
* Harp Gear Amplifiers at: https://www.harpgear.com
Thank you!!!
Jason Ricci

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